Name |
SleepyDiscord |
Name | |
struct | SleepyDiscord::User |
struct | SleepyDiscord::Connection |
Source code​
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include "discord_object_interface.h"
#include "snowflake.h"
#include "permissions.h"
namespace SleepyDiscord {
User Structure
Field Type Description Required OAuth2 Scope
id snowflake the user's id identify
username string the user's username, not unique across the platform identify
discriminator string the user's 4-digit discord-tag identify
avatar string the user's avatar hash identify
bot bool whether the user belongs to an OAuth2 application identify
mfa_enabled bool whether the user has two factor enabled on their account identify
verified bool whether the email on this account has been verified email
email string the user's email email
struct User : public IdentifiableDiscordObject<User> {
User() = default;
//User(const std::string * rawJSON);
User(const nonstd::string_view& json) :
User(json::fromJSON<User>(json)) {}
User(const json::Value& json);
//User(const json::Values values);
enum class Flags {
None = 0,
Discord_Employee = 1 << 0,
Discord_Partner = 1 << 1,
HypeSquad_Events = 1 << 2,
Bug_Hunter_Level_1 = 1 << 3,
House_Bravery = 1 << 6,
House_Brilliance = 1 << 7,
House_Balance = 1 << 8,
Early_Supporter = 1 << 9,
Team_User = 1 << 10,
System = 1 << 12,
Bug_Hunter_Level_2 = 1 << 14,
Verified_Bot = 1 << 16,
Verified_Bot_Developer = 1 << 17,
Discord_Certified_Moderator = 1 << 18,
enum class PremiumType : int {
None = 0,
Nitro_Classic = 1,
Nitro = 2,
std::string username;
std::string discriminator;
std::string avatar; //base64 encoded jpeg image
//these are optional
bool bot = false;
bool mfa_enabled = false; //true if two-factor authentication is enabled
bool verified = false; //true if email has been verified
std::string email = "";
std::string locale = ""; //the user's chosen language
Flags flags = Flags::None;
PremiumType premiumType = PremiumType::None;
Flags publieFlags = Flags::None;
json::pair (&User::ID , "id" , json::REQUIRIED_FIELD ),
json::pair (&User::username , "username" , json::OPTIONAL_FIELD ),
json::pair (&User::discriminator, "discriminator", json::OPTIONAL_FIELD ),
json::pair (&User::avatar , "avatar" , json::OPTIONAL_NULLABLE_FIELD),
json::pair (&User::bot , "bot" , json::OPTIONAL_FIELD ),
json::pair (&User::mfa_enabled , "mfa_enabled" , json::OPTIONAL_FIELD ),
json::pair (&User::verified , "verified" , json::OPTIONAL_FIELD ),
json::pair (&User::locale , "locale" , json::OPTIONAL_FIELD ),
json::pair<json::EnumTypeHelper>(&User::flags , "flags" , json::OPTIONAL_FIELD ),
json::pair<json::EnumTypeHelper>(&User::premiumType , "premium_type" , json::OPTIONAL_FIELD ),
json::pair<json::EnumTypeHelper>(&User::publieFlags , "public_flags" , json::OPTIONAL_FIELD ),
json::pair (&User::email , "email" , json::OPTIONAL_FIELD )
/*Connection Structure The connection object that the user has attached.
Field Type Description
id string id of the connection account
name string the username of the connection account
type string the service of the connection (twitch, youtube)
revoked bool whether the connection is revoked
integrations array an array of partial server integrations
struct Connection : public IdentifiableDiscordObject<Connection> {
Connection() = default;
Connection(const nonstd::string_view& json) :
Connection(json::fromJSON<Connection>(json)) {}
Connection(const json::Value& json);
std::string name;
std::string type;
bool revoked;
json::pair(&Connection::ID , "id" , json::REQUIRIED_FIELD),
json::pair(&Connection::name , "name" , json::REQUIRIED_FIELD),
json::pair(&Connection::type , "type" , json::REQUIRIED_FIELD),
json::pair(&Connection::revoked, "revoked", json::REQUIRIED_FIELD)
Updated on 13 April 2022 at 18:39:59 UTC