Name |
SleepyDiscord |
Name | |
struct | SleepyDiscord::Invite |
struct | SleepyDiscord::InviteMetadata |
Source code​
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include "discord_object_interface.h"
#include "user.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "channel.h"
#include "snowflake.h"
namespace SleepyDiscord {
Invite Structure Represents a code that when used, adds a user to a guild.
Field Type Description
code string the invite code (unique ID)
guild a invite guild object the guild this invite is for
channel a invite channel object the channel this invite is for
struct Invite : public DiscordObject {
Invite() = default;
//Invite(const std::string * rawJson);
Invite(const json::Value & json);
Invite(const nonstd::string_view& json) :
Invite(json::fromJSON<Invite>(json)) {}
//Invite(const json::Values values);
std::string code;
Server server;
Channel channel;
//const static std::initializer_list<const char*const> fields;
json::pair(&Invite::code , "code" , json::REQUIRIED_FIELD),
json::pair(&Invite::server , "guild" , json::OPTIONAL_FIELD ),
json::pair(&Invite::channel, "channel", json::REQUIRIED_FIELD)
Invite Metadata Structure
Field Type Description
inviter a user object user who created the invite
uses integer number of times this invite has been used
max_uses integer max number of times this invite can be used
max_age integer duration (in seconds) after which the invite expires
temporary bool whether this invite only grants temporary membership
created_at datetime when this invite was created
revoked bool whether this invite is revoked
struct InviteMetadata : public DiscordObject {
InviteMetadata() = default;
//InviteMetadata(const std::string * rawJson);
//InviteMetadata(const json::Values values);
InviteMetadata(const json::Value & json);
InviteMetadata(const nonstd::string_view& json) :
InviteMetadata(json::fromJSON<InviteMetadata>(json)) {}
User inviter;
int uses = 0;
int max_users = 0;
int max_age = 0;
bool isTemporary;
std::string createAt;
bool revoked;
//const static std::initializer_list<const char*const> fields;
json::pair(&InviteMetadata::inviter , "inviter" , json::REQUIRIED_FIELD),
json::pair(&InviteMetadata::uses , "uses" , json::REQUIRIED_FIELD),
json::pair(&InviteMetadata::max_users , "max_uses" , json::REQUIRIED_FIELD),
json::pair(&InviteMetadata::max_age , "max_age" , json::REQUIRIED_FIELD),
json::pair(&InviteMetadata::isTemporary, "temporary" , json::REQUIRIED_FIELD),
json::pair(&InviteMetadata::createAt , "created_at", json::REQUIRIED_FIELD),
json::pair(&InviteMetadata::revoked , "revoked" , json::REQUIRIED_FIELD)
Updated on 13 April 2022 at 18:39:59 UTC