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structSleepyDiscord::json::ArrayValueWrapper< Type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible< Type, const Value >::value >::type >
structSleepyDiscord::json::ArrayValueWrapper< Type, typename std::enable_if< std::is_constructible< Type, Value >::value >::type >
structSleepyDiscord::json::ArrayWrapper< Value, Base >
structSleepyDiscord::json::ClassTypeHelper< std::string >
structSleepyDiscord::json::ClassTypeHelper< nonstd::string_view >
structSleepyDiscord::json::ClassTypeHelper< Value >
structSleepyDiscord::json::IsPrimitiveTypeFunction< bool >
structSleepyDiscord::json::ClassTypeHelper< int >
structSleepyDiscord::json::ClassTypeHelper< uint32_t >
structSleepyDiscord::json::ClassTypeHelper< int64_t >
structSleepyDiscord::json::ClassTypeHelper< uint64_t >
structSleepyDiscord::json::ClassTypeHelper< float >
structSleepyDiscord::json::ClassTypeHelper< double >
structSleepyDiscord::json::ClassTypeHelper< bool >
structSleepyDiscord::json::ClassTypeHelper< std::nullptr_t >


enumFromJSONMode { Default = 0, ReturnOnError = 1}
typedef std::size_tSizeType
using rapidjson::ValueValue
using rapidjson::Value::ConstArrayArray
using ValueValues
template <class Return >
using Return(*)(const Value &)


const std::stringcreateJSON(std::initializer_list< std::pair< std::string, std::string >> json)
const std::stringstring(const std::string & s)
const std::stringUInteger(const uint64_t num)
const std::stringoptionalUInteger(const uint64_t num)
const std::stringinteger(const int64_t num)
const std::stringoptionalInteger(const int64_t num)
const std::stringboolean(const bool boolean)
template <class Type >
const std::string
createJSONArray(const std::vector< Type > source)
template <typename T >
constexpr auto
hasPushBack(int )
template <typename T >
constexpr std::false_type
hasPushBack(long )
const Value &leaveAlone(const Value & value)
const char *toString(const Value & value)
std::stringtoStdString(const Value & value)
nonstd::string_viewtoStdStringView(const Value & value)
inttoInt(const Value & value)
unsigned inttoUint(const Value & value)
int64_ttoInt64(const Value & value)
uint64_ttoUint64(const Value & value)
doubletoDouble(const Value & value)
floattoFloat(const Value & value)
booltoBool(const Value & value)
template <class Type ,class Value >
ArrayWrapper< Type, ArrayStringWrapper< Value > >
toArray(Value & value)
template <class Type >
toEnum(const Value & value)
template <class Object >
toJSON(const Object & object, Value::AllocatorType & allocator)
template <int defaultValue,template< class, int > class TypeHelper =PrimitiveTypeHelper,class Class ,class Type >
constexpr PairImpl< Class, Type, TypeHelper< Type, defaultValue > >
pair(Type Class:: member, const char name, FieldType type)
template <template< class > class TypeHelper =ClassTypeHelper,class Class ,class Type >
constexpr PairImpl< Class, Type, TypeHelper< Type > >
pair(Type Class:: member, const char name, FieldType type)
template <template< class, template< class... > class > class TypeHelper,template< class... > class TypeHelper2 =ClassTypeHelper,class Class ,class Type >
constexpr PairImpl< Class, Type, TypeHelper< Type, TypeHelper2 > >
pair(Type Class:: member, const char name, FieldType type)
template <template< class, class > class TypeHelper,template< class, template< class... > class > class TypeHelper2,template< class... > class TypeHelper3,class Class ,class Type ,class Type2 >
constexpr PairImpl< Class, Type, TypeHelper< Type, TypeHelper2< Type2, TypeHelper3 > > >
pair(Type Class:: member, const char name, FieldType type)
template <class Helper ,class ResultingObject ,class Value >
castValue(ResultingObject & result, Value & value)
template <FromJSONMode mode =FromJSONMode::Default,class ResultingObject ,class Value ,size_t i =0>
std::enable_if< i==std::tuple_size< decltype(ResultingObject::JSONStruct)>::value, bool >::type
fromJSON(ResultingObject & , Value & )



Types Documentation​

enum FieldType​


enum FromJSONMode​


typedef SizeType​

typedef std::size_t SizeType;

using Value​

using SleepyDiscord::json::Value = typedef rapidjson::Value;

using Array​

using SleepyDiscord::json::Array = typedef rapidjson::Value::ConstArray;

using Values​

using SleepyDiscord::json::Values = typedef Value;

using JSONConverter​

template <class Return >
using SleepyDiscord::json::JSONConverter = typedef Return(*)(const Value&);

Functions Documentation​

function createJSON​

const std::string createJSON(
std::initializer_list< std::pair< std::string, std::string >> json

function string​

const std::string string(
const std::string & s

function UInteger​

const std::string UInteger(
const uint64_t num

function optionalUInteger​

const std::string optionalUInteger(
const uint64_t num

function integer​

const std::string integer(
const int64_t num

function optionalInteger​

const std::string optionalInteger(
const int64_t num

function boolean​

const std::string boolean(
const bool boolean

function createJSONArray​

template <class Type >
const std::string createJSONArray(
const std::vector< Type > source

function hasPushBack​

template <typename T >
constexpr auto hasPushBack(

function hasPushBack​

template <typename T >
constexpr std::false_type hasPushBack(

function leaveAlone​

inline const Value & leaveAlone(
const Value & value

function toString​

inline const char * toString(
const Value & value

function toStdString​

inline std::string toStdString(
const Value & value

function toStdStringView​

inline nonstd::string_view toStdStringView(
const Value & value

function toInt​

inline int toInt(
const Value & value

function toUint​

inline unsigned int toUint(
const Value & value

function toInt64​

inline int64_t toInt64(
const Value & value

function toUint64​

inline uint64_t toUint64(
const Value & value

function toDouble​

inline double toDouble(
const Value & value

function toFloat​

inline float toFloat(
const Value & value

function toBool​

inline bool toBool(
const Value & value

function toArray​

template <class Type ,
class Value >
inline ArrayWrapper< Type, ArrayStringWrapper< Value > > toArray(
Value & value

function toEnum​

template <class Type >
inline Type toEnum(
const Value & value

function toJSON​

template <class Object >
inline Value toJSON(
const Object & object,
Value::AllocatorType & allocator

function pair​

template <int defaultValue,
template< class, int > class TypeHelper =PrimitiveTypeHelper,
class Class ,
class Type >
constexpr PairImpl< Class, Type, TypeHelper< Type, defaultValue > > pair(
Type Class::* member,
const char * name,
FieldType type

function pair​

template <template< class > class TypeHelper =ClassTypeHelper,
class Class ,
class Type >
constexpr PairImpl< Class, Type, TypeHelper< Type > > pair(
Type Class::* member,
const char * name,
FieldType type

function pair​

template <template< class, template< class... > class > class TypeHelper,
template< class... > class TypeHelper2 =ClassTypeHelper,
class Class ,
class Type >
constexpr PairImpl< Class, Type, TypeHelper< Type, TypeHelper2 > > pair(
Type Class::* member,
const char * name,
FieldType type

function pair​

template <template< class, class > class TypeHelper,
template< class, template< class... > class > class TypeHelper2,
template< class... > class TypeHelper3,
class Class ,
class Type ,
class Type2 >
constexpr PairImpl< Class, Type, TypeHelper< Type, TypeHelper2< Type2, TypeHelper3 > > > pair(
Type Class::* member,
const char * name,
FieldType type

function castValue​

template <class Helper ,
class ResultingObject ,
class Value >
inline bool castValue(
ResultingObject & result,
Value & value

function fromJSON​

template <FromJSONMode mode =FromJSONMode::Default,
class ResultingObject ,
class Value ,
size_t i =0>
inline std::enable_if< i==std::tuple_size< decltype(ResultingObject::JSONStruct)>::value, bool >::type fromJSON(
ResultingObject & ,
Value &

Macro Documentation​



define JSONStruct​

#define JSONStruct JSONStructure

define JSONStructStart​

#define JSONStructStart constexpr static auto JSONStruct =

define JSONStructEnd​

#define JSONStructEnd 

Source code​

#pragma once
#include <list>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <array>
#include <tuple>
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
//for errrors
#include <iostream>
#include "nonstd/optional.hpp"

typedef std::size_t SizeType;
#include "rapidjson/document.h"
#include "rapidjson/writer.h"
#include "rapidjson/stringbuffer.h"
#include "nonstd/string_view.hpp"
//#include "json.h"

namespace SleepyDiscord {
//this is outside of the json namespace
//to stop us from hiting some compiler bugs
template<class Type>
struct GetDefault {
static inline const Type get() {
return static_cast<Type>(0);

template<class Type>
struct GetEnumBaseType {
using Value = int64_t;

namespace json {
//using Value = nonstd::string_view;
//using Values = std::vector<Value>;

using Value = rapidjson::Value;
using Array = rapidjson::Value::ConstArray;
using Values = Value;

//Values getArray(const Value& source);
//Values getValues(const char* source, std::initializer_list<const char *const> const &names);
//Value getValue(const char* source, const char * name);

const std::string createJSON(std::initializer_list<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> json);
const std::string string(const std::string& s);
const std::string UInteger(const uint64_t num);
const std::string optionalUInteger(const uint64_t num);
const std::string integer(const int64_t num);
const std::string optionalInteger(const int64_t num);
const std::string boolean(const bool boolean);

template<class Type>
const std::string createJSONArray(const std::vector<Type> source) {
if (source.empty())
return "";
std::string target;
target += '[';
for (std::string value : source) {
if (!value.empty()) {
target += value;
target += ',';
char& back = target.back();
if (back == ',') {
back = ']';
} else {
target += ']';
return target;

template <class Type>
struct ClassTypeHelper;

template<class Value = const json::Value>
struct ArrayStringWrapper {
Value& json;
ArrayStringWrapper(Value& json) : json(json) {}
inline Value& getDoc() const { return json; }
operator Value&() const { return getDoc(); }
template<class Callback>
const bool getDoc(const Callback& callback) const {
return true;

template<class Type, class Enable = void>
struct ArrayValueWrapper {
using value = const Value;
using type = ArrayStringWrapper<value>;

template<class Type>
struct ArrayValueWrapper<
Type, typename std::enable_if<std::is_constructible<Type, const Value>::value>::type
> {
using value = const Value;
using type = ArrayStringWrapper<value>;

template<class Type>
struct ArrayValueWrapper<
Type, typename std::enable_if<std::is_constructible<Type, Value>::value>::type
> {
using value = Value;
using type = ArrayStringWrapper<value>;

template <typename T>
constexpr auto hasPushBack(int)
-> decltype( std::declval<T>().push_back(*(std::declval<T>().begin())),
std::true_type() );

template <typename T>
constexpr std::false_type hasPushBack(long);

template<class TypeToConvertTo, class Base = typename ArrayValueWrapper<TypeToConvertTo>::type>
struct ArrayWrapper : public Base {
using base = Base;
using Base::Base;
using DocType = decltype(std::declval<Base>().getDoc());

template<class Container, class Value>
static inline Container get(Value& value, std::true_type) {
auto jsonArray = value.GetArray(); //can be ether const Array or Array, so we use auto
return Container(jsonArray.begin(), jsonArray.end());

template<class Container, class Value>
static inline Container get(Value&& value, std::false_type) {
DocType v = std::move(value);
return get<Container>(v, std::true_type{});

template<class Container, class Value>
static inline Container get(Value&& value) { //lvalue check
return get<Container>(value, std::is_lvalue_reference<Value&&>());

template<class Container>
Container get() {
return get<Container>(Base::getDoc());

template<template<class...> class Container, typename Type = TypeToConvertTo>
Container<Type> get() {
return get<Container<Type>>();

template<class Container>
bool get(Container& value) {
const auto getter = [&value](DocType& doc) {
value = std::move(get<Container>(doc));
return Base::getDoc(getter);

template<template<class...> class Container, typename Type = TypeToConvertTo>
bool get(Container<Type>& value) {
return get<Container<Type>>(value);

inline std::vector<TypeToConvertTo> vector() { return get<std::vector>(); }
inline std::list <TypeToConvertTo> list () { return get<std::list>(); }

//c arrays
inline TypeToConvertTo* cArray() { return &vector()[0]; }

operator Values() { return Base::getArray(); }
operator std::vector<TypeToConvertTo>() { return vector(); }
operator std::list<TypeToConvertTo>() { return list(); }

template<class Return>
using JSONConverter = Return(*)(const Value&);

inline const Value& leaveAlone(const Value& value) {
return value;

inline const char* toString(const Value& value) {
return value.GetString();

inline std::string toStdString(const Value& value) {
return std::string(value.GetString(), value.GetStringLength());

inline nonstd::string_view toStdStringView(const Value& value) {
return nonstd::string_view(value.GetString(), value.GetStringLength());

inline int toInt(const Value& value) {
return value.GetInt();

inline unsigned int toUint(const Value& value) {
return value.GetUint();

inline int64_t toInt64(const Value& value) {
return value.GetInt64();

inline uint64_t toUint64(const Value& value) {
return value.GetUint64();

inline double toDouble(const Value& value) {
return value.GetDouble();

inline float toFloat(const Value& value) {
return value.GetFloat();

inline bool toBool(const Value& value) {
return value.GetBool();

template<class Type, class Value>
inline ArrayWrapper<Type, ArrayStringWrapper<Value>> toArray(Value& value) {
return ArrayWrapper<Type, ArrayStringWrapper<Value>>(value);

template<class Type>
inline Type toEnum(const Value& value) {
return static_cast<Type>(value.Get<typename GetEnumBaseType<Type>::Value>());

template<class Base>
struct ArrayWrapper<Value, Base> : public Base {
using Base::Base;
operator Values() {
return Base::getArray();

template <class Type>
struct EmptyFunction {
static inline bool empty(const Type& value) {
return value.empty();

struct IsStringFunction {
static inline bool isType(const Value& value) {
return value.IsString();

struct IsNumberFunction {
static inline bool isType(const Value& value) {
return value.IsNumber();

struct IsBoolFunction {
static inline bool isType(const Value& value) {
return value.IsBool();

struct IsArrayFunction {
static inline bool isType(const Value& value) {
return value.IsArray();

struct IsObjectFunction {
static inline bool isType(const Value& value) {
return value.IsObject();

//ClassTypeHelper needs to be able to call toJSON so it's forward decleared
template<class Object>
inline Value toJSON(const Object& object, Value::AllocatorType& allocator);

//ClassTypeHelper needs to know if object has a serialize member
template<class Object>
struct hasSerialize {
template<typename T>
static constexpr auto check(T*)
-> typename
decltype( std::declval<T>().serialize(
) ),

static constexpr std::false_type check(...);

using type = decltype(check<Object>(0));
static constexpr bool value = type::value;

template<class Object>
struct hasIsType {
template<typename T>
static constexpr auto check(T*)
-> typename
decltype( std::declval<T>().isType(
) ),

static constexpr std::false_type check(...);

using type = decltype(check<Object>(0));
static constexpr bool value = type::value;

template <class Type>
struct ClassTypeHelper : public EmptyFunction<Type> {
template<class Value>
static inline Type toType(Value& value) {
return value;

template<class T>
static inline typename std::enable_if<hasSerialize<T>::value, Value>::type
fromType(const T& value, Value::AllocatorType& allocator) {
return value.serialize(allocator);

template<class T>
static inline typename std::enable_if<hasSerialize<T>::value == false, Value>::type
fromType(const T& value, Value::AllocatorType& allocator) {
return toJSON(value, allocator);

template<class T = Type>
static inline typename std::enable_if<hasIsType<T>::value, bool>::type
isType(const Value& value) {
return Type::isType(value);

template<class T = Type>
static inline typename std::enable_if<!hasIsType<T>::value, bool>::type
isType(const Value& value) {
return value.IsObject();

struct ClassTypeHelper<std::string> :
public EmptyFunction<std::string>, public IsStringFunction
static inline std::string toType(const Value& value) {
return toStdString(value);
static inline Value fromType(const std::string& value) {
return Value(value.c_str(), value.length());
static inline Value fromType(const std::string& value, Value::AllocatorType&) {
return fromType(value);

struct ClassTypeHelper<nonstd::string_view> :
public EmptyFunction<nonstd::string_view>, public IsStringFunction
static inline nonstd::string_view toType(const Value& value) {
return toStdStringView(value);
static inline Value fromType(const nonstd::string_view& value) {
return Value(, value.length());
static inline Value fromType(const nonstd::string_view& value, Value::AllocatorType&) {
return fromType(value);

struct ClassTypeHelper<Value> {
static inline rapidjson::Type toType(const Value& value) {
//this doesn't really do anything
//we can't copy without allocator
//we can only have one return type
return value.GetType();
static inline Value& toType(Value& value) {
return value; // moves
static inline bool empty(const Value& value) {
return value.Empty();
static inline Value fromType(const Value& value, Value::AllocatorType& alloc) {
return Value{value, alloc}; //copys
static inline bool isType(const Value&) {
return true;

template<class PrimitiveType>
struct IsPrimitiveTypeFunction : IsNumberFunction {};

struct IsPrimitiveTypeFunction<bool> : IsBoolFunction {};

template <class PrimitiveType, int defaultValue = 0>
struct PrimitiveTypeHelper : public IsPrimitiveTypeFunction<PrimitiveType> {
static inline PrimitiveType toType(const Value& value) {
return value.Get<PrimitiveType>();
static inline bool empty(const PrimitiveType& value) {
return value == static_cast<PrimitiveType>(defaultValue);
static inline Value fromType(const PrimitiveType& value) {
return Value(value);
static inline Value fromType(const PrimitiveType& value, Value::AllocatorType& /*allocator*/) {
return fromType(value);

//for some reason, some compilers need this
//template <int defaultValue>
//struct PrimitiveTypeHelper<long int, defaultValue> : public PrimitiveTypeHelper<long long, defaultValue> {};

template<> struct ClassTypeHelper<int > : public PrimitiveTypeHelper<int > {};
template<> struct ClassTypeHelper<uint32_t> : public PrimitiveTypeHelper<uint32_t> {};
template<> struct ClassTypeHelper<int64_t > : public PrimitiveTypeHelper<int64_t > {};
template<> struct ClassTypeHelper<uint64_t> : public PrimitiveTypeHelper<uint64_t> {};
template<> struct ClassTypeHelper<float > : public PrimitiveTypeHelper<float > {};
template<> struct ClassTypeHelper<double > : public PrimitiveTypeHelper<double > {};
template<> struct ClassTypeHelper<bool > : public PrimitiveTypeHelper<bool > {};

template<class Type, class GetDefault, class BaseType>
struct BaseEnumTypeHelper {
static inline Type toType(const Value& value) {
return toEnum<Type>(value);
static inline Value fromType(const Type& value) {
return Value(static_cast<BaseType>(value));
static inline Value fromType(const Type& value, Value::AllocatorType&) {
return fromType(value);
static inline bool empty(const Type& value) {
return value == GetDefault::get();
static inline bool isType(const Value& value) {
return ClassTypeHelper<BaseType>::isType(value);

template<class Type>
struct EnumTypeHelper : public
BaseEnumTypeHelper<Type, GetDefault<Type>, typename GetEnumBaseType<Type>::Value> {};

template<class Container, template<class...> class TypeHelper>
struct FromContainerFunction {
static inline Value fromType(const Container& values, Value::AllocatorType& allocator) {
Value arr(rapidjson::kArrayType);
arr.Reserve(values.size(), allocator);
for (const typename Container::value_type& value : values)
arr.PushBack(TypeHelper<typename Container::value_type>::fromType(value, allocator), allocator);
return arr;

template<class Container, template<class...> class TypeHelper>
struct ToContainerFunction {
template<class Value>
static inline Container toType(Value& value) {
auto jsonArray = value.GetArray();
using Helper = TypeHelper<typename Container::value_type>;
Container result;
std::transform(jsonArray.begin(), jsonArray.end(),
[](Value& value){
return Helper::toType(value);
return result;

template<class Container, template<class...> class TypeHelper>
struct ContainerTypeHelper :
public ToContainerFunction<Container, TypeHelper>,
public EmptyFunction<Container>,
public FromContainerFunction<Container, TypeHelper>,
public IsArrayFunction {};

template<class StdArray, template<class...> class TypeHelper>
struct StdArrayTypeHelper :
public EmptyFunction<StdArray>,
public FromContainerFunction<StdArray, TypeHelper>,
public IsArrayFunction
static inline StdArray toType(const Value& value) {
ArrayWrapper<typename StdArray::value_type> arrayWrapper(value);
std::array<typename StdArray::value_type, std::tuple_size<StdArray>::value> arr;
Array jsonArray = arrayWrapper.getDoc().template Get<Array>();
Value::ConstValueIterator iterator = jsonArray.Begin();
for (typename StdArray::value_type& v : arr) {
if (iterator == jsonArray.End())
v = TypeHelper<typename StdArray::value_type>::toType(*iterator);
return arr;
//return toArray<typename StdArray::value_type, std::tuple_size<StdArray>::value>(value);

template<class SmartPtr, template<class...> class TypeHelper>
struct SmartPtrTypeHelper {
template<class Value>
static inline SmartPtr toType(Value& value) {
return SmartPtr{new typename SmartPtr::element_type{
//copy object to pointer
TypeHelper<typename SmartPtr::element_type>::toType(value)
static inline Value fromType(const SmartPtr& value, Value::AllocatorType& allocator) {
return TypeHelper<typename SmartPtr::element_type>::fromType(*value, allocator);
static inline bool empty(const SmartPtr& value) {
return value == nullptr;
static inline bool isType(const Value& value) {
return TypeHelper<typename SmartPtr::element_type>::isType(value);

//almost the same as SmartPtr
//maybe find a way to marge the two
template<class Optional, template<class...> class TypeHelper>
struct OptionalTypeHelper {
template<class Value>
static inline Optional toType(Value& value) {
return Optional{ TypeHelper<typename Optional::value_type>::toType(value) };
static inline Value fromType(const Optional& value, Value::AllocatorType& allocator) {
return TypeHelper<typename Optional::value_type>::fromType(*value, allocator);
static inline bool empty(const Optional& value) {
return !value.has_value();
static inline bool isType(const Value& value) {
return TypeHelper<typename Optional::value_type>::isType(value);

template<class Nullable, template<class...> class TypeHelper>
struct NullableTypeHelper {
static inline Nullable toType(const Value& value) {
if (value.IsNull()) {
return Nullable{ tl::nullopt };
} else {
return Nullable{ TypeHelper<typename Nullable::value_type>::toType(value) };
static inline Value fromType(const Nullable& value, Value::AllocatorType& allocator) {
if (value) {
return Value{ rapidjson::kNullType };
} else {
return TypeHelper<typename Nullable::value_type>::fromType(*value, allocator);
static inline bool empty(const Nullable& value) {
return !value.has_value();
static inline bool isType(const Value& value) {
return value.IsNull() || TypeHelper<typename Nullable::value_type>::isType(value);

template<class Map, template<class...> class TypeHelper>
struct MapTypeHelper : public EmptyFunction<Map>, public IsObjectFunction {
template<class Value>
static inline Map toType(Value& value) {
Map target;
for (auto& member : value.GetObject()) {
TypeHelper<typename Map::mapped_type>::toType(member.value)));
return target;
// serialize map but remember that the order depends on the type of map used
static inline Value fromType(const Map& value, Value::AllocatorType& allocator) {
Value target;
for (auto& member : value) {
const std::string& name = static_cast<const std::string&>(member.first);
Value::StringRefType(name.c_str(), name.length()),
TypeHelper<typename Map::mapped_type>::fromType(member.second, allocator),
return target;

struct ClassTypeHelper<std::nullptr_t> {
template<class Value>
static inline std::nullptr_t toType(Value& value) {
return nullptr;
static inline bool empty(const Value& value) {
return true;
static inline Value fromType(const Value& value, Value::AllocatorType& alloc) {
return Value{ rapidjson::kNullType };
static inline bool isType(const Value& value) {
return value.IsNull();

enum FieldType {

template <class Class, class Type, class TypeHelper>
struct PairImpl {
using T = Type;
using Helper = TypeHelper;
Type Class::*member;
const char* name;
const FieldType type;

template <int defaultValue, template<class, int> class TypeHelper = PrimitiveTypeHelper, class Class, class Type>
constexpr PairImpl<Class, Type, TypeHelper<Type, defaultValue>> pair(Type Class::*member, const char* name, FieldType type) {
return PairImpl<Class, Type, TypeHelper<Type, defaultValue>>{member, name, type};

template <template<class> class TypeHelper = ClassTypeHelper, class Class, class Type>
constexpr PairImpl<Class, Type, TypeHelper<Type>> pair(Type Class::*member, const char* name, FieldType type) {
return PairImpl<Class, Type, TypeHelper<Type>>{member, name, type};

template <template<class, template<class...> class> class TypeHelper, template<class...> class TypeHelper2 = ClassTypeHelper, class Class, class Type>
constexpr PairImpl<Class, Type, TypeHelper<Type, TypeHelper2>> pair(Type Class::*member, const char* name, FieldType type) {
return PairImpl<Class, Type, TypeHelper<Type, TypeHelper2>>{member, name, type};

template <template<class, template<class...> class> class TypeHelper, template<class, template<class...> class> class TypeHelper2, template<class...> class TypeHelper3 = ClassTypeHelper>
struct ComplexPair {
template<class Type>
using ComplexTypeHelper = TypeHelper2<Type, TypeHelper3>;

template<class Class, class Type>
static constexpr PairImpl<Class, Type, TypeHelper<Type, ComplexTypeHelper>> pair(Type Class::* member, const char* name, FieldType type) {
return PairImpl<Class, Type, TypeHelper<Type, ComplexTypeHelper>>{member, name, type};

template <template<class, class> class TypeHelper, template<class, template<class...> class> class TypeHelper2, template<class...> class TypeHelper3, class Class, class Type, class Type2>
constexpr PairImpl<Class, Type, TypeHelper<Type, TypeHelper2<Type2, TypeHelper3>>> pair(Type Class::* member, const char* name, FieldType type) {
return PairImpl<Class, Type, TypeHelper<Type, TypeHelper2<Type2, TypeHelper3>>>{member, name, type};

//There needs to be a workaround for Visual C++ and clang for this to compile. However, this workaround relys on c++14.
#if __cpp_return_type_deduction
#define JSONStruct getJSONStructure()
#define JSONStructStart constexpr static auto JSONStruct { return
#define JSONStructEnd }
#define JSONStruct JSONStructure
#define JSONStructStart constexpr static auto JSONStruct =
#define JSONStructEnd

enum class FromJSONMode {
Default = 0,
ReturnOnError = 1

template<class Helper, class ResultingObject, class Value>
inline bool castValue(ResultingObject& result, Value& value) {
if (Helper::isType(value))
result = Helper::toType(value);
return false;
return true;

template<FromJSONMode mode = FromJSONMode::Default, class ResultingObject, class Value, size_t i = 0>
inline typename std::enable_if<i == std::tuple_size<decltype(ResultingObject::JSONStruct)>::value, bool>::type
fromJSON(ResultingObject&, Value&)
return true;

template<FromJSONMode mode = FromJSONMode::Default, class ResultingObject, class Value, size_t i = 0>
inline typename std::enable_if<i < std::tuple_size<decltype(ResultingObject::JSONStruct)>::value, bool>::type
fromJSON(ResultingObject& object, Value& value)
constexpr auto field = std::get<i>(ResultingObject::JSONStruct);
using Helper = typename decltype(field)::Helper;
auto iterator = value.FindMember(;
if (iterator != value.MemberEnd()) {
if (castValue<Helper>(object.*(field.member), iterator->value)) {
} else if (field.type != REQUIRIED_FIELD && iterator->value.IsNull()) {
} else /*error*/ if (mode == FromJSONMode::ReturnOnError) {
return false;
} else if (field.type == REQUIRIED_FIELD) {
std::cout <<
"JSON Parse Error: "
"variable #" << i << ": \"" << << "\" not found. "
"Please look at call stack from your debugger for more details.";
if (mode == FromJSONMode::ReturnOnError)
return false;
return fromJSON<mode, ResultingObject, Value, i + 1>(object, value);

template<class ResultingObject, class Value>
inline ResultingObject fromJSON(Value& value) {
ResultingObject object;
fromJSON(object, value);
return object;

template<class ResultingObject>
inline rapidjson::ParseResult fromJSON(ResultingObject& obj, const nonstd::string_view& json) {
rapidjson::Document doc;
rapidjson::ParseResult isOK = doc.Parse(, json.length());
if (isOK)
obj = ResultingObject{doc};
return isOK;

inline rapidjson::Document parse(const nonstd::string_view& json) {
rapidjson::Document doc;
doc.Parse(, json.length());
return doc;

template<class ResultingObject>
inline ResultingObject fromJSON(const nonstd::string_view& json) {
rapidjson::Document doc = parse(json);
//note: some objects have different value consturctors
//so we need to call the Object's value constructor
return ResultingObject(doc);

constexpr std::size_t stringLength(const char*const& string, std::size_t i = 0) {
return string[i] == '\0' ? i : stringLength(string, i + 1);

template<class SourceObject, size_t i = 0>
inline typename std::enable_if<i == std::tuple_size<decltype(SourceObject::JSONStruct)>::value, void>::type
toJSON(const SourceObject& /*object*/, Value& /*value*/, Value::AllocatorType& /*allocator*/) {

template<class SourceObject, size_t i = 0>
inline typename std::enable_if < i < std::tuple_size<decltype(SourceObject::JSONStruct)>::value, void>::type
toJSON(const SourceObject& object, Value& value, Value::AllocatorType& allocator) {
constexpr auto field = std::get<i>(SourceObject::JSONStruct);
using Helper = typename decltype(field)::Helper;
//value[] = object.*(field.member);
if (!(field.type & OPTIONAL_NULLABLE_FIELD) || !Helper::empty(object.*(field.member))) {
constexpr std::size_t nameLength = stringLength(;
Value::StringRefType(, nameLength),
Helper::fromType(object.*(field.member), allocator),
toJSON<SourceObject, i + 1>(object, value, allocator);

template<class Object>
inline Value toJSON(const Object& object, Value::AllocatorType& allocator) {
Value obj(rapidjson::kObjectType);
toJSON(object, obj, allocator);
return obj;

template<class Object>
inline rapidjson::Document toJSON(const Object& object) {
rapidjson::Document doc;
toJSON(object, doc, doc.GetAllocator());
return doc;

inline std::string stringify(const Value& value) {
rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer;
rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
return std::string(buffer.GetString(), buffer.GetSize());

template<class Object>
inline std::string stringifyObj(const Object& object) {
rapidjson::MemoryPoolAllocator<> allocator;
return stringify(toJSON(object, allocator));

template<class Object, size_t i = 0>
inline typename std::enable_if<i == std::tuple_size<decltype(Object::JSONStruct)>::value, void>::type
mergeObj(Object& object, const Object& objectChanges) {

template<class Object, size_t i = 0>
inline typename std::enable_if < i < std::tuple_size<decltype(Object::JSONStruct)>::value, void>::type
mergeObj(Object& object, const Object& objectChanges) {
constexpr auto field = std::get<i>(Object::JSONStruct);
using Helper = typename decltype(field)::Helper;
if (!Helper::empty(objectChanges.*(field.member))) {
object.*(field.member) = objectChanges.*(field.member);
mergeObj<Object, i + 1>(object, objectChanges);

inline json::Value copy(const json::Value& value) {
rapidjson::Document doc;
return std::move(doc.CopyFrom(value, doc.GetAllocator()));

//json optional and null emulation
struct UndefinedType {};

template<class Type>
struct Maybe {
using FlagType = bool;
static constexpr FlagType undefined = 0;
static constexpr FlagType defined = 1;

using ValueType = Type;
using element_type = Type;
using Container = std::shared_ptr<Type>;
using weak_ptr = typename Container::weak_ptr;

const bool isUndefined() const {
return ( flags & defined ) == undefined;
const bool isDefined() const {
return !isUndefined();
const bool isAvaiable() const {
return isDefined() && static_cast<bool>(value);
const bool isNull() const {
return isDefined() && !static_cast<bool>(value);

Type copy(Type& defaultValue) const {
return isDefined() ? static_cast<bool>(value) ? *get() : defaultValue : defaultValue;

void copyTo(Type& dest) const {
if (isAvaiable())
dest = *get();

constexpr Maybe() = default;
constexpr Maybe(std::nullptr_t) noexcept : value(std::nullptr_t{}), flags(defined) {};
Maybe& operator=(std::nullptr_t) noexcept {
value = std::nullptr_t{};
flags |= defined;
constexpr Maybe(UndefinedType) {};
template<class TypeY>
explicit Maybe(TypeY* ptr) noexcept : value(ptr), flags(defined) {}
template<class TypeY, class Deleter>
Maybe(Type* ptr, Deleter deleter) noexcept :
value(ptr, deleter), flags(defined) {}
template<class TypeY, class Deleter, class Alloc>
Maybe(Type* ptr, Deleter deleter, Alloc allocator) noexcept :
value(ptr, deleter, allocator), flags(defined) {}
template<class Deleter>
Maybe(std::nullptr_t, Deleter deleter) : value(nullptr, deleter), flags(defined) {}
template<class Deleter, class Alloc>
Maybe(std::nullptr_t, Deleter deleter, Alloc allocator) noexcept :
value(nullptr, deleter, allocator), flags(defined) {}
template<class Deleter>
Maybe(UndefinedType, Deleter deleter) : value(nullptr, deleter) {}
template<class Deleter, class Alloc>
Maybe(UndefinedType, Deleter deleter, Alloc allocator) noexcept :
value(nullptr, deleter, allocator) {}
template<class Type2>
Maybe(const Maybe<Type2>& right, ValueType* pointer) noexcept :
value(right.value, pointer), flags(defined) {}
template<class Type2>
Maybe(const Maybe<Type2>&& right, ValueType* pointer) noexcept :
value(std::move(right.value), pointer), flags(defined) {}
Maybe(const Maybe& other) noexcept : value(other), flags(other.flags) {}
explicit Maybe(Container&& right) noexcept :
value(std::move(right)), flags(defined) {}
Maybe(Maybe&& right) noexcept :
value(std::move(right.value)), flags(right.flags) {}
template<class Type2>
Maybe(Maybe<Type2>&& right) noexcept :
value(std::move(right.value)), flags(right.value) {}
template<class Type2>
explicit Maybe(std::shared_ptr<Type2>&& right) noexcept :
value(std::move(right)), flags(defined) {}
template<class Type2>
explicit Maybe(const weak_ptr& other) :
value(other), flags(defined) {}
template<class Type2, class Deleter>
Maybe(std::unique_ptr<Type2, Deleter>&& other) :
value(std::move(other)), flags(defined) {}

Maybe& operator=(const Maybe& right) noexcept {
return *this;

template<class Type2>
Maybe& operator=(const Maybe<Type2>& right) noexcept {
return *this;

Maybe& operator=(Maybe&& right) noexcept {
return *this;

template<class Type2>
Maybe& operator=(Maybe<Type2>&& right) noexcept {
return *this;

template<class TypeX, class Deleter>
Maybe& operator=(std::unique_ptr<TypeX, Deleter>&& right) {
return *this;

Maybe& operator=(const Container& right) noexcept {
return *this;

Maybe& operator=(Container&& right) noexcept {
return *this;

void swap(Maybe& right) noexcept {
std::swap(flags, right.flags);

ValueType& operator*() const noexcept {
return *value;

ValueType* operator->() const noexcept {
return value.operator->();

ValueType* get() const noexcept {
return value.get();

explicit operator bool() const noexcept {
return isAvaiable();

bool empty() const noexcept {
return isAvaiable();

ValueType* release() noexcept {
flags = undefined;
return value.release();

void reset() noexcept {

template<class TypeX>
void reset(ValueType* ptr) noexcept {

template<class TypeX, class Deleter>
void reset(ValueType* ptr, Deleter deleter) noexcept {
value.reset(ptr, deleter);

template<class TypeX, class Deleter, class Alloc>
void reset(ValueType* ptr, Deleter deleter, Alloc allocator) noexcept {
value.reset(ptr, deleter, allocator);

long use_count() const noexcept {
return value.use_count();

void setToUndefined() noexcept {
flags = undefined;

Container& getSmartPtr() const noexcept {
return value;

Container value;
FlagType flags = undefined;

template<class MaybeType, template<class...> class TypeHelper>
struct MaybeTypeHelper : public EmptyFunction<MaybeType> {
static inline MaybeType toType(const Value& value) {
return TypeHelper<typename MaybeType::element_type>::toType(value);
static inline Value fromType(const MaybeType& value, Value::AllocatorType& allocator) {
return TypeHelper<typename MaybeType::element_type>::fromType(*value, allocator);

template <template<class...> class TypeHelper2 = ClassTypeHelper, class Class, class Type,
typename std::enable_if<
Type, Maybe<typename Type::ValueType>
>::type = true
constexpr PairImpl<Class, Type, MaybeTypeHelper<Type, TypeHelper2>> pair(Type Class::*member, const char* name, FieldType type) {
return PairImpl<Class, Type, MaybeTypeHelper<Type, TypeHelper2>>{member, name, type};

Updated on 13 April 2022 at 18:39:59 UTC