# pragma once # include <string> # ifndef SLEEPY_ONE_THREAD # include <thread> # endif # include <memory> # include <unordered_map> # include <functional> # include <forward_list> # include <atomic> # include <mutex> # include "message.h" # include "channel.h" # include "server.h" # include "invite.h" # include "webhook.h" # include "permissions.h" # include "gateway.h" # include "voice.h" # include "slash_commands.h" # include "stage_instance.h" # include "error.h" # include "session.h" # include "common_return_types.h" # include "message_receiver.h" # include "timer.h" # include "voice_connection.h" # include "asio_schedule.h" # include "rate_limiter.h" # include "compression.h" namespace SleepyDiscord { # define TOKEN_SIZE 64 struct Request ; class BaseDiscordClient ; enum Mode : char { USER_CONTROLED_THREADS = 1 , USE_RUN_THREAD = 3 , DEFAULT_THREADS = USER_CONTROLED_THREADS } ; enum class TTS : char { DisableTTS , EnableTTS , Default = DisableTTS , } ; enum RequestMode { UseRequestAsync = 1 << 0 , UseRequestSync = 0 << 0 , ThrowError = 1 << 4 , AsyncQueue = 1 << 5 , Async = UseRequestAsync | AsyncQueue , Sync = UseRequestSync | ThrowError , Sync_AsyncQueue = UseRequestSync | ThrowError | AsyncQueue , } ; using IntentsRaw = int32_t ; enum Intent : IntentsRaw { SERVERS = 1 << 0 , SERVER_MEMBERS = 1 << 1 , SERVER_BANS = 1 << 2 , SERVER_EMOJIS = 1 << 3 , SERVER_INTEGRATIONS = 1 << 4 , SERVER_WEBHOOKS = 1 << 5 , SERVER_INVITES = 1 << 6 , SERVER_VOICE_STATES = 1 << 7 , SERVER_PRESENCES = 1 << 8 , SERVER_MESSAGES = 1 << 9 , SERVER_MESSAGE_REACTIONS = 1 << 10 , SERVER_MESSAGE_TYPING = 1 << 11 , DIRECT_MESSAGES = 1 << 12 , DIRECT_MESSAGE_REACTIONS = 1 << 13 , DIRECT_MESSAGE_TYPING = 1 << 14 , } ; class BaseDiscordClient : public GenericMessageReceiver { public : BaseDiscordClient ( ) = default ; BaseDiscordClient ( const std :: string _token ) { start ( _token ) ; } ~ BaseDiscordClient ( ) ; using RequestCallback = std :: function < void ( Response ) > ; Response request ( const RequestMethod method , Route path , const std :: string jsonParameters = "" , const std :: vector < Part > & multipartParameters = { } , RequestCallback callback = nullptr , const RequestMode mode = Sync_AsyncQueue ) ; struct Request { BaseDiscordClient & client ; const RequestMethod method ; const Route url ; const std :: string jsonParameters ; const std :: vector < Part > multipartParameters ; const BaseDiscordClient :: RequestCallback callback ; RequestMode mode ; inline void operator ( ) ( ) const { client . request ( method , url , jsonParameters , multipartParameters , callback , mode ) ; } } ; template < class ParmType > void requestAsync ( const RequestMethod method , Route path , std :: function < void ( ParmType ) > callback , const std :: string jsonParameters = "" , const std :: vector < Part > & multipartParameters = { } , const RequestMode mode = Async ) { postTask ( static_cast < PostableTask > ( Request { * this , method , path , jsonParameters , multipartParameters , callback ? RequestCallback ( [ callback ] ( Response r ) { callback ( static_cast < ParmType > ( r ) ) ; } ) : RequestCallback ( nullptr ) , mode } ) ) ; } template < class ParmType > Response requestSync ( const RequestMethod method , Route path , std :: function < void ( ParmType ) > callback , const std :: string jsonParameters = "" , const std :: vector < Part > & multipartParameters = { } , const RequestMode mode = Sync ) { return request ( method , path , jsonParameters , multipartParameters , callback ? RequestCallback ( [ callback ] ( Response r ) { callback ( static_cast < ParmType > ( r ) ) ; } ) : RequestCallback ( nullptr ) , mode ) ; } const Route path ( const char * source , std :: initializer_list < std :: string > values = { } ) ; # ifndef SLEEPY_DEFAULT_REQUEST_MODE # ifdef SLEEPY_DEFAULT_REQUEST_MODE_ASYNC # define SLEEPY_DEFAULT_REQUEST_MODE Async ; # elif defined ( SLEEPY_DEFAULT_REQUEST_MODE_SYNC ) # define SLEEPY_DEFAULT_REQUEST_MODE Sync ; # else # define SLEEPY_DEFAULT_REQUEST_MODE Sync_AsyncQueue ; # endif # endif template < class _ParmType > struct RequestSettings { RequestMode mode = SLEEPY_DEFAULT_REQUEST_MODE ; using ParmType = _ParmType ; using Callback = std :: function < void ( ParmType ) > ; Callback callback = nullptr ; RequestSettings ( RequestMode r ) : mode ( r ) { } RequestSettings ( Callback c ) : mode ( Async ) , callback ( c ) { } RequestSettings ( RequestMode r , Callback c ) : mode ( r ) , callback ( c ) { } RequestSettings ( ) { } ; } ; template < class RequestSettingsClass > Response request ( const RequestMethod method , Route path , RequestSettingsClass & settings , const std :: string jsonParameters = "" , const std :: initializer_list < Part > & multipartParameters = { } ) { if ( settings . mode & UseRequestAsync ) { requestAsync < typename RequestSettingsClass :: ParmType > ( method , path , settings . callback , jsonParameters , multipartParameters , settings . mode ) ; } else { if ( settings . callback ) return requestSync < typename RequestSettingsClass :: ParmType > ( method , path , settings . callback , jsonParameters , multipartParameters , settings . mode ) ; else return request ( method , path , jsonParameters , multipartParameters , nullptr , settings . mode ) ; } return Response ( ) ; } template < RequestMode mode , class type > struct RawRequestModeTypeHelper { using ReturnType = type ; static type doRequest ( ) { } } ; # define RequestModeRequestDefine template < class ParmType , class Callback > \ static ReturnType doRequest ( BaseDiscordClient & client , const RequestMethod method , Route path , \ const std :: string jsonParameters , const std :: initializer_list < Part > & multipartParameters , Callback callback ) template < RequestMode mode > struct RequestModeType : RawRequestModeTypeHelper < Sync , void > { } ; template < RequestMode mode , class ParmType = void , class Callback = RequestCallback > typename RequestModeType < mode > :: ReturnType request ( const RequestMethod method , Route path , Callback callback , const std :: string jsonParameters = "" , const std :: initializer_list < Part > & multipartParameters = { } ) { return RequestModeType < mode > :: template doRequest < ParmType , Callback > ( * this , method , path , jsonParameters , multipartParameters , callback ) ; } void testFunction ( std :: string teststring ) ; ObjectResponse < Gateway > getGateway ( RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < Gateway >> settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < Channel > getChannel ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < Channel >> settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < Channel > editChannel ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , std :: string name = "" , std :: string topic = "" , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < Channel >> settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < Channel > editChannelName ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , std :: string name , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < Channel >> settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < Channel > editChannelTopic ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , std :: string topic , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < Channel >> settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < Channel > deleteChannel ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < Channel >> settings = { } ) ; enum class GetMessagesKey { na , around , before , after , limit } ; ArrayResponse < Message > getMessages ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , GetMessagesKey when , Snowflake < Message > messageID , uint8_t limit = 0 , RequestSettings < ArrayResponse < Message >> settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < Message > getMessage ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , Snowflake < Message > messageID , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < Message >> settings = { } ) ; const Embed createInvalidEmbed ( ) { return Embed :: Flag :: INVALID_EMBED ; } ObjectResponse < Message > sendMessage ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , std :: string message , Embed embed = Embed :: Flag :: INVALID_EMBED , MessageReference replyingTo = { } , TTS tts = TTS :: Default , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < Message >> settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < Message > sendMessage ( SendMessageParams params , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < Message >> settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < Message > uploadFile ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , std :: string fileLocation , std :: string message , Embed embed = Embed :: Flag :: INVALID_EMBED , MessageReference replyingTo = { } , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < Message >> settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < Message > uploadFile ( SendMessageParams params , std :: string fileLocation , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < Message >> settings = { } ) ; BoolResponse addReaction ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , Snowflake < Message > messageID , std :: string emoji , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; BoolResponse removeReaction ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , Snowflake < Message > messageID , std :: string emoji , Snowflake < User > userID = "@me" ) ; ArrayResponse < User > getReactions ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , Snowflake < Message > messageID , std :: string emoji , RequestSettings < ArrayResponse < Reaction >> settings = { } ) ; StandardResponse removeAllReactions ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , Snowflake < Message > messageID , RequestSettings < StandardResponse > settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < Message > editMessage ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , Snowflake < Message > messageID , std :: string newMessage , Embed embed = Embed :: Flag :: INVALID_EMBED , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < Message >> settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < Message > editMessage ( EditMessageParams params , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < Message >> settings = { } ) ; BoolResponse deleteMessage ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , Snowflake < Message > messageID , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; BoolResponse bulkDeleteMessages ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , std :: vector < Snowflake < Message >> messageIDs , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; BoolResponse editChannelPermissions ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , Snowflake < Overwrite > overwriteID , int allow , int deny , std :: string type ) ; ArrayResponse < Invite > getChannelInvites ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , RequestSettings < ArrayResponse < Invite >> settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < Invite > createChannelInvite ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , const uint64_t maxAge = 0 , const uint64_t maxUses = 0 , const bool temporary = false , const bool unique = false ) ; BoolResponse removeChannelPermission ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , std :: string ID , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; BoolResponse sendTyping ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; ArrayResponse < Message > getPinnedMessages ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , RequestSettings < ArrayResponse < Message >> settings = { } ) ; BoolResponse pinMessage ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , Snowflake < Message > messageID , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; BoolResponse unpinMessage ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , Snowflake < Message > messageID , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; StandardResponse addRecipient ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , Snowflake < User > userID , RequestSettings < StandardResponse > settings = { } ) ; StandardResponse removeRecipient ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , Snowflake < User > userID , RequestSettings < StandardResponse > settings = { } ) ; inline BoolResponse deleteReaction ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , Snowflake < Message > messageID , std :: string emoji ) { return removeReaction ( channelID , messageID , emoji ) ; } inline StandardResponse deleteAllReactions ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , Snowflake < Message > messageID ) { return removeAllReactions ( channelID , messageID ) ; } inline BoolResponse deleteChannelPermission ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , std :: string ID ) { return removeChannelPermission ( channelID , ID ) ; } inline StandardResponse deleteRecipient ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , Snowflake < User > _userID ) { return removeRecipient ( channelID , _userID ) ; } inline ObjectResponse < Message > editMessage ( Message message , std :: string newMessage , Embed embed = Embed :: Flag :: INVALID_EMBED ) { return editMessage ( message . channelID , message . ID , newMessage , embed ) ; } inline ObjectResponse < Message > sendMessage ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , std :: string message , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < Message >> settings ) { return sendMessage ( channelID , message , Embed :: Flag :: INVALID_EMBED , MessageReference { } , TTS :: Default , settings ) ; } ObjectResponse < Server > getServer ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < Server >> settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < Server > deleteServer ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < Server >> settings = { } ) ; ArrayResponse < Channel > getServerChannels ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , RequestSettings < ArrayResponse < Channel >> settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < Channel > createTextChannel ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , std :: string name , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < Channel >> settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < Channel > createChannel ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , std :: string name , Channel :: ChannelType Type , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < Channel >> settings = { } ) ; ArrayResponse < Channel > editChannelPositions ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , std :: vector < std :: pair < std :: string , uint64_t >> positions , RequestSettings < ArrayResponse < Channel >> settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < ServerMember > getMember ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , Snowflake < User > userID , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < ServerMember >> settings = { } ) ; ArrayResponse < ServerMember > listMembers ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , uint16_t limit = 0 , std :: string after = "" , RequestSettings < ArrayResponse < ServerMember >> settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < ServerMember > addMember ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , Snowflake < User > userID , std :: string accesToken , std :: string nick = "" , std :: vector < Role > roles = { } , bool mute = false , bool deaf = false ) ; BoolResponse editMember ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , Snowflake < User > userID , std :: string nickname = "" , std :: vector < Snowflake < Role >> roles = { } , int8_t mute = - 1 , int8_t deaf = - 1 , Snowflake < Channel > channelID = { } ) ; BoolResponse muteServerMember ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , Snowflake < User > userID , bool mute = true , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; BoolResponse editNickname ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , std :: string newNickname , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; BoolResponse addRole ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , Snowflake < User > userID , Snowflake < Role > roleID , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; BoolResponse removeRole ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , Snowflake < User > userID , Snowflake < Role > roleID , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; BoolResponse kickMember ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , Snowflake < User > userID , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; ArrayResponse < User > getBans ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , RequestSettings < ArrayResponse < User >> settings = { } ) ; BoolResponse banMember ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , Snowflake < User > userID , int deleteMessageDays = - 1 , std :: string reason = "" , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; BoolResponse unbanMember ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , Snowflake < User > userID , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; ArrayResponse < Role > getRoles ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , RequestSettings < ArrayResponse < Role >> settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < Role > createRole ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , std :: string name = "" , Permission permissions = Permission :: NONE , unsigned int color = 0 , bool hoist = false , bool mentionable = false ) ; ArrayResponse < Role > editRolePosition ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , std :: vector < std :: pair < std :: string , uint64_t >> positions , RequestSettings < ArrayResponse < Role >> settings = { } ) ; StringResponse editRole ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , Snowflake < Role > roleID , std :: string name = "" , Permission permissions = Permission :: NONE , uint32_t color = 1 << 24 , int8_t hoist = - 1 , int8_t mentionable = - 1 ) ; BoolResponse deleteRole ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , Snowflake < Role > roleID , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; StandardResponse pruneMembers ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , const unsigned int numOfDays , RequestSettings < StandardResponse > settings = { } ) ; ArrayResponse < VoiceRegion > getVoiceRegions ( RequestSettings < ArrayResponse < VoiceRegion >> settings = { } ) ; ArrayResponse < Invite > getServerInvites ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , RequestSettings < ArrayResponse < Invite >> settings = { } ) ; StringResponse getIntegrations ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , RequestSettings < StringResponse > settings = { } ) ; BoolResponse createIntegration ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , std :: string type , std :: string integrationID , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; BoolResponse editIntergration ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , std :: string integrationID , int expireBegavior , int expireGracePeriod , bool enbleEmoticons ) ; BoolResponse deleteIntegration ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , std :: string integrationID , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; BoolResponse syncIntegration ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , std :: string integrationID , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < ServerWidget > getServerWidget ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < ServerWidget >> settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < Invite > inviteEndpoint ( RequestMethod method , std :: string inviteCode , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < Invite >> settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < Invite > getInvite ( std :: string inviteCode , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < Invite >> settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < Invite > deleteInvite ( std :: string inviteCode , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < Invite >> settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < Invite > acceptInvite ( std :: string inviteCode , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < Invite >> settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < User > getCurrentUser ( RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < User >> settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < User > getUser ( Snowflake < User > userID , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < User >> settings = { } ) ; ArrayResponse < Server > getServers ( RequestSettings < ArrayResponse < Server >> settings = { } ) ; BoolResponse leaveServer ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; ArrayResponse < Channel > getDirectMessageChannels ( RequestSettings < ArrayResponse < Channel >> settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < Channel > createDirectMessageChannel ( std :: string recipientID , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < Channel >> settings = { } ) ; ArrayResponse < Connection > getUserConnections ( RequestSettings < ArrayResponse < Connection >> settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < Webhook > createWebhook ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , std :: string name , std :: string avatar = "" , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < Webhook >> settings = { } ) ; ArrayResponse < Webhook > getChannelWebhooks ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , RequestSettings < ArrayResponse < Webhook >> settings = { } ) ; ArrayResponse < Webhook > getServerWebhooks ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , RequestSettings < ArrayResponse < Webhook >> settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < Webhook > getWebhook ( Snowflake < Webhook > webhookID , std :: string webhookToken = "" , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < Webhook >> settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < Webhook > editWebhook ( Snowflake < Webhook > webhookID , std :: string webhookToken = "" , std :: string name = "" , std :: string avatar = "" ) ; BoolResponse deleteWebhook ( Snowflake < Webhook > webhookID , std :: string webhookToken = "" , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < Webhook > requestExecuteWebhook ( Snowflake < Webhook > webhookID , std :: string webhookToken , std :: pair < std :: string , std :: string > pair , bool wait , std :: string username , std :: string avatar_url , bool tts ) ; ObjectResponse < Webhook > executeWebhook ( Snowflake < Webhook > webhookID , std :: string webhookToken , std :: string content , bool wait = false , std :: string username = "" , std :: string avatar_url = "" , bool tts = false ) ; ObjectResponse < Webhook > executeWebhook ( Snowflake < Webhook > webhookID , std :: string webhookToken , std :: vector < Embed > embeds , bool wait = false , std :: string username = "" , std :: string avatar_url = "" , bool tts = false ) ; ObjectResponse < Webhook > executeWebhook ( Snowflake < Webhook > webhookID , std :: string webhookToken , filePathPart file , bool wait = false , std :: string username = "" , std :: string avatar_url = "" , bool tts = false ) ; template < typename Options = const AppCommand :: EmptyOptions > ObjectResponse < AppCommand > createGlobalAppCommand ( Snowflake < DiscordObject > :: RawType applicationID , std :: string name , std :: string description , Options options = ( std :: nullptr_t ) nullptr , bool defaultPermission = true , AppCommand :: Type type = AppCommand :: Type :: NONE , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < AppCommand >> settings = { } ) { return ObjectResponse < AppCommand > { request ( Post , path ( "applications/{application.id}/commands" , { applicationID } ) , settings , createApplicationCommandBody ( name , description , options , defaultPermission , type ) ) } ; } template < typename Options = const AppCommand :: EmptyOptions > ObjectResponse < AppCommand > editGlobalAppCommand ( Snowflake < DiscordObject > :: RawType applicationID , Snowflake < AppCommand > commandID , std :: string name , std :: string description , Options options = ( std :: nullptr_t ) nullptr , bool defaultPermission = true , AppCommand :: Type type = AppCommand :: Type :: NONE , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < AppCommand >> settings = { } ) { return ObjectResponse < AppCommand > { request ( Patch , path ( "applications/{application.id}/commands/{command.id}" , { applicationID , commandID } ) , settings , createApplicationCommandBody ( name , description , options , defaultPermission , type , true ) ) } ; } ArrayResponse < AppCommand > getGlobalAppCommands ( Snowflake < DiscordObject > :: RawType applicationID , RequestSettings < ArrayResponse < AppCommand >> settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < AppCommand > getGlobalAppCommand ( Snowflake < DiscordObject > :: RawType applicationID , Snowflake < AppCommand > commandID , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < AppCommand >> settings = { } ) ; BoolResponse deleteGlobalAppCommand ( Snowflake < DiscordObject > :: RawType applicationID , Snowflake < AppCommand > commandID , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; template < typename Options = const AppCommand :: EmptyOptions > ObjectResponse < AppCommand > createServerAppCommand ( Snowflake < DiscordObject > :: RawType applicationID , Snowflake < Server > serverID , std :: string name , std :: string description , Options options = ( std :: nullptr_t ) nullptr , bool defaultPermission = true , AppCommand :: Type type = AppCommand :: Type :: NONE , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < AppCommand >> settings = { } ) { return ObjectResponse < AppCommand > { request ( Post , path ( "applications/{application.id}/guilds/{guild.id}/commands" , { applicationID , serverID } ) , settings , createApplicationCommandBody ( name , description , options , defaultPermission , type , true ) ) } ; } template < typename Options = const AppCommand :: EmptyOptions > ObjectResponse < AppCommand > editServerAppCommand ( Snowflake < DiscordObject > :: RawType applicationID , Snowflake < Server > serverID , Snowflake < AppCommand > commandID , std :: string name , std :: string description , Options options = ( std :: nullptr_t ) nullptr , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < AppCommand >> settings = { } ) { return ObjectResponse < AppCommand > { request ( Patch , path ( "applications/{application.id}/guilds/{guild.id}/commands/{command.id}" , { applicationID , serverID , commandID } ) , settings , createApplicationCommandBody ( name , description , options , true ) ) } ; } ArrayResponse < AppCommand > getServerAppCommands ( Snowflake < DiscordObject > :: RawType applicationID , Snowflake < Server > serverID , RequestSettings < ArrayResponse < AppCommand >> settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < AppCommand > getServerAppCommand ( Snowflake < DiscordObject > :: RawType applicationID , Snowflake < Server > serverID , Snowflake < AppCommand > commandID , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < AppCommand >> settings = { } ) ; BoolResponse deleteServerAppCommand ( Snowflake < DiscordObject > :: RawType applicationID , Snowflake < Server > serverID , Snowflake < AppCommand > commandID , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; template < typename Type > BoolResponse createInteractionResponse ( Snowflake < Interaction > interactionID , std :: string token , Type response , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) { static_assert ( std :: is_same < InteractionCallbackType , decltype ( response . type ) > :: value , "response needs to be a Interaction::Response Type" ) ; return { request ( Post , path ( "interactions/{interaction.id}/{interaction.token}/callback" , { interactionID , token } ) , settings , json :: stringifyObj ( response ) ) , EmptyRespFn ( ) } ; } ObjectResponse < Message > editOriginalInteractionResponse ( Snowflake < DiscordObject > :: RawType applicationID , std :: string interactionToken , EditWebhookParams params , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; BoolResponse deleteOriginalInteractionResponse ( Snowflake < DiscordObject > :: RawType applicationID , std :: string interactionToken , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < Message > createFollowupMessage ( Snowflake < DiscordObject > :: RawType applicationID , std :: string interactionToken , FollowupMessage params , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < Message > editFollowupMessage ( Snowflake < DiscordObject > :: RawType applicationID , std :: string interactionToken , Snowflake < Message > messageID , EditWebhookParams params , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; BoolResponse deleteFollowupMessage ( Snowflake < DiscordObject > :: RawType applicationID , std :: string interactionToken , Snowflake < Message > messageID , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; BoolResponse batchEditAppCommandPermissions ( Snowflake < DiscordObject > :: RawType applicationID , Snowflake < Server > serverID , std :: vector < ServerAppCommandPermissions > permissions , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; BoolResponse editServerAppCommandPermission ( Snowflake < DiscordObject > :: RawType applicationID , Snowflake < Server > serverID , Snowflake < AppCommand > commandID , std :: vector < AppCommand :: Permissions > permissions , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; ArrayResponse < ServerAppCommandPermissions > getServerAppCommandPermissions ( Snowflake < DiscordObject > :: RawType applicationID , Snowflake < Server > serverID , RequestSettings < ArrayResponse < ServerAppCommandPermissions >> settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < ServerAppCommandPermissions > getAppCommandPermissions ( Snowflake < DiscordObject > :: RawType applicationID , Snowflake < Server > serverID , Snowflake < AppCommand > commandID , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < ServerAppCommandPermissions >> settings = { } ) ; template < typename Options = const AppCommand :: EmptyOptions > ObjectResponse < AppCommand > createAppCommand ( Snowflake < DiscordObject > :: RawType applicationID , Snowflake < Server > serverID , std :: string name , std :: string description , Options options = ( std :: nullptr_t ) nullptr , bool defaultPermission = true , AppCommand :: Type type = AppCommand :: Type :: NONE , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < AppCommand >> settings = { } ) { if ( serverID . empty ( ) ) return createGlobalAppCommand ( applicationID , name , description , options , defaultPermission , type , settings ) ; return createServerAppCommand ( applicationID , serverID , name , description , options , defaultPermission , type , settings ) ; } template < typename Options = const AppCommand :: EmptyOptions > ObjectResponse < AppCommand > editAppCommand ( Snowflake < DiscordObject > :: RawType applicationID , Snowflake < Server > serverID , Snowflake < AppCommand > commandID , std :: string name , std :: string description , Options options = ( std :: nullptr_t ) nullptr , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < AppCommand >> settings = { } ) { if ( serverID . empty ( ) ) return editGlobalAppCommand ( applicationID , commandID , name , description , options , settings ) ; return editServerAppCommand ( applicationID , serverID , commandID , name , description , options , settings ) ; } ArrayResponse < AppCommand > getAppCommands ( Snowflake < DiscordObject > :: RawType applicationID , Snowflake < Server > serverID , RequestSettings < ArrayResponse < AppCommand >> settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < AppCommand > getAppCommand ( Snowflake < DiscordObject > :: RawType applicationID , Snowflake < Server > serverID , Snowflake < AppCommand > commandID , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < AppCommand >> settings = { } ) ; BoolResponse deleteAppCommand ( Snowflake < DiscordObject > :: RawType applicationID , Snowflake < Server > serverID , Snowflake < AppCommand > commandID , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; BoolResponse bulkOverwriteServerAppCommands ( Snowflake < DiscordObject > :: RawType applicationID , Snowflake < Server > serverID , std :: vector < AppCommand > commands , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; BoolResponse bulkOverwriteGlobalAppCommands ( Snowflake < DiscordObject > :: RawType applicationID , std :: vector < AppCommand > commands , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < User > createStageInstance ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , std :: string topic , StageInstance :: PrivacyLevel privacyLevel = StageInstance :: PrivacyLevel :: NotSet , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < User >> settings = { } ) ; ObjectResponse < StageInstance > getStageInstance ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , RequestSettings < ObjectResponse < StageInstance >> settings = { } ) ; BoolResponse editStageInstance ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , std :: string topic , StageInstance :: PrivacyLevel privacyLevel = StageInstance :: PrivacyLevel :: NotSet , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; BoolResponse deleteStageInstance ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , RequestSettings < BoolResponse > settings = { } ) ; void updateStatus ( std :: string gameName = "" , uint64_t idleSince = 0 , Status status = online , bool afk = false ) ; void requestServerMembers ( ServerMembersRequest request ) ; # define SLEEPY_CDN_URL "https://cdn.discordapp.com/" static inline constexpr nonstd :: string_view getCDN_URL ( ) { return { SLEEPY_CDN_URL , sizeof ( SLEEPY_CDN_URL ) } ; } void getServerBanner ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , std :: string serverBanner , std :: string format , std :: function < void ( StandardResponse & ) > callback ) ; inline void getServerBanner ( Server & server , std :: string format ) { return getServerBanner ( server . ID , server . banner , format , [ ] ( StandardResponse & ) { } ) ; } void waitTilReady ( ) ; const bool isReady ( ) { return ready ; } const bool isQuiting ( ) { return quiting ; } const bool isBot ( ) { return bot ; } const Snowflake < User > getID ( ) { return userID ; } void setShardID ( int _shardID , int _shardCount ) ; const int getShardID ( ) { return shardID ; } const int getShardCount ( ) { return shardCount ; } const bool hasIntents ( ) { return intentsIsSet ; } const IntentsRaw getIntents ( ) { return intents ; } void setIntents ( IntentsRaw newIntents ) { intentsIsSet = true ; intents = static_cast < Intent > ( newIntents ) ; } void quit ( ) { quit ( false ) ; } virtual void run ( ) ; template < class Container , typename T = typename Container :: value_type > void setIntents ( const Container & listOfIntents ) { IntentsRaw target = 0 ; for ( Intent intent : listOfIntents ) target = target | static_cast < IntentsRaw > ( intent ) ; setIntents ( target ) ; } template < typename . . . Types > void setIntents ( Intent first , Intent second , Types . . . others ) { std :: initializer_list < Intent > intents = { first , second , others . . . } ; setIntents ( intents ) ; } template < class Handler , class . . . Types > void useCompression ( Types && . . . arguments ) { compressionHandler = std :: unique_ptr < GenericCompression > ( new Handler ( std :: forward < Types > ( arguments ) . . . ) ) ; if ( useTrasportConnection == static_cast < int8_t > ( - 1 ) ) useTrasportConnection = true ; } void useCompression ( bool value = true ) { # ifdef SLEEPY_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION if ( value ) useCompression < DefaultCompression > ( ) ; else scheduleHandler = nullptr ; # else assert ( ( ( void ) "No default compress handler, use zlib-ng or use template function instead" , value == false ) ) ; # endif } template < class Handler , class . . . Types > inline void setScheduleHandler ( Types && . . . arguments ) { scheduleHandler = std :: unique_ptr < GenericScheduleHandler > ( new Handler ( std :: forward < Types > ( arguments ) . . . ) ) ; } inline GenericScheduleHandler & getScheduleHandler ( ) { return * scheduleHandler ; } enum AssignmentType : bool { TilDueTime = 0 , EpochTime = 1 , } ; virtual Timer schedule ( TimedTask code , const time_t millisecondsTilDueTime ) ; inline Timer schedule ( TimedTask code , const time_t milliseconds , AssignmentType mode ) { return schedule ( code , mode == TilDueTime ? milliseconds : milliseconds - getEpochTimeMillisecond ( ) ) ; } inline Timer schedule ( void ( BaseDiscordClient :: * code ) ( ) , const time_t milliseconds , AssignmentType mode = TilDueTime ) { return schedule ( std :: bind ( code , this ) , milliseconds , mode ) ; } inline void unschedule ( Timer & timer ) { timer . stop ( ) ; } typedef TimedTask PostableTask ; virtual void postTask ( PostableTask code ) { schedule ( code , 0 ) ; } # ifdef SLEEPY_VOICE_ENABLED friend VoiceConnection ; enum VoiceMode { normal = 0 , mute = 1 << 0 , deafen = 1 << 1 } ; VoiceContext & createVoiceContext ( Snowflake < Server > server , Snowflake < Channel > channel , BaseVoiceEventHandler * eventHandler = nullptr ) ; inline VoiceContext & createVoiceContext ( Snowflake < Channel > channel , BaseVoiceEventHandler * eventHandler = nullptr ) { return createVoiceContext ( "" , channel , eventHandler ) ; } void connectToVoiceChannel ( VoiceContext & voiceContext , VoiceMode settings = normal ) ; VoiceContext & connectToVoiceChannel ( Snowflake < Server > server , Snowflake < Channel > channel , VoiceMode settings = normal ) ; VoiceContext & connectToVoiceChannel ( Snowflake < Channel > channel , VoiceMode settings = normal ) { return connectToVoiceChannel ( "" , channel , settings ) ; } inline void disconnectVoiceConnection ( VoiceConnection & connection ) { connection . disconnect ( ) ; } template < class Function > void disconnectVoiceConnection_if ( Function function ) { auto i = std :: find_if ( voiceConnections . begin ( ) , voiceConnections . end ( ) , function ) ; if ( i != voiceConnections . end ( ) ) disconnectVoiceConnection ( * i ) ; } inline void disconnectVoiceContext ( VoiceContext & context ) { disconnectVoiceConnection_if ( [ & context ] ( VoiceConnection & connection ) { return connection . getContext ( ) == context ; } ) ; } inline void disconnectFromVoiceChannel ( Snowflake < Channel > & channelID ) { disconnectVoiceConnection_if ( [ & channelID ] ( VoiceConnection & connection ) { return connection . getContext ( ) . getChannelID ( ) == channelID ; } ) ; } inline void disconnectServerVoiceConnections ( Snowflake < Server > & serverID ) { disconnectVoiceConnection_if ( [ & serverID ] ( VoiceConnection & connection ) { return connection . getContext ( ) . getServerID ( ) == serverID ; } ) ; } # endif std :: shared_ptr < ServerCache > createServerCache ( ) ; void setServerCache ( std :: shared_ptr < ServerCache > cache ) ; inline std :: shared_ptr < ServerCache > & getServerCache ( ) { return serverCache ; } protected : virtual void onDepletedRequestSupply ( const Route :: Bucket & bucket , time_t timeTilReset ) ; virtual void onExceededRateLimit ( bool global , std :: time_t timeTilRetry , Request request , bool & continueRequest ) ; virtual void onReady ( Ready readyData ) ; virtual void onResumed ( ) ; virtual void onDeleteServer ( UnavailableServer server ) ; virtual void onEditServer ( Server server ) ; virtual void onBan ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , User user ) ; virtual void onUnban ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , User user ) ; virtual void onMember ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , ServerMember member ) ; virtual void onRemoveMember ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , User user ) ; virtual void onEditMember ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , User user , std :: vector < Snowflake < Role >> roles , std :: string nick ) ; virtual void onRole ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , Role role ) ; virtual void onDeleteRole ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , Snowflake < Role > roleID ) ; virtual void onEditRole ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , Role role ) ; virtual void onEditEmojis ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , std :: vector < Emoji > emojis ) ; virtual void onMemberChunk ( ServerMembersChunk memberChunk ) ; virtual void onDeleteChannel ( Channel channel ) ; virtual void onEditChannel ( Channel channel ) ; virtual void onPinMessage ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , std :: string lastPinTimestamp ) ; virtual void onPresenceUpdate ( PresenceUpdate presenseUpdate ) ; virtual void onEditUser ( User user ) ; virtual void onEditUserSettings ( const json :: Value & jsonMessage ) ; virtual void onEditVoiceState ( VoiceState & state ) ; virtual void onTyping ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , Snowflake < User > userID , time_t timestamp ) ; virtual void onDeleteMessages ( Snowflake < Channel > channelID , std :: vector < Snowflake < Message >> messages ) ; virtual void onEditMessage ( MessageRevisions revisioins ) ; virtual void onEditVoiceServer ( VoiceServerUpdate & update ) ; virtual void onReaction ( Snowflake < User > userID , Snowflake < Channel > channelID , Snowflake < Message > messageID , Emoji emoji ) ; virtual void onDeleteReaction ( Snowflake < User > userID , Snowflake < Channel > channelID , Snowflake < Message > messageID , Emoji emoji ) ; virtual void onDeleteAllReaction ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , Snowflake < Channel > channelID , Snowflake < Message > messageID ) ; virtual void onMessage ( Message message ) ; virtual void onServer ( Server server ) ; virtual void onChannel ( Channel channel ) ; virtual void onInteraction ( Interaction interaction ) { } virtual void onAppCommand ( AppCommand appCommand ) { } virtual void onEditAppCommand ( AppCommand appCommand ) { } virtual void onDeleteAppCommand ( AppCommand appCommand ) { } virtual void onStageInstance ( StageInstance instance ) { } virtual void onDeleteStageInstance ( StageInstance instance ) { } virtual void onEditStageInstance ( StageInstance instance ) { } virtual void onUnknownEvent ( std :: string name , const json :: Value & data ) ; virtual void onDispatch ( const json :: Value & t , json :: Value & d ) { } virtual void onHeartbeat ( ) ; virtual void onHeartbeatAck ( ) ; virtual void onInvaldSession ( ) ; virtual void onDisconnect ( ) ; virtual void onResume ( ) ; virtual void onQuit ( ) ; virtual void onRestart ( ) { } virtual void onResponse ( Response response ) ; virtual void sleep ( const unsigned int milliseconds ) ; virtual void fileRead ( const char * path , std :: string * const file ) ; virtual void tick ( float deltaTime ) ; virtual void onError ( ErrorCode errorCode , const std :: string errorMessage ) ; void processMessage ( const std :: string & message ) override ; void processMessage ( const WebSocketMessage message ) override ; void processCloseCode ( const int16_t code ) override ; void heartbeat ( ) ; void sendHeartbeat ( ) { const auto heartbeat = generateHeatbeat ( lastSReceived ) ; const nonstd :: string_view message ( heartbeat . buffer . data ( ) , heartbeat . length ) ; sendL ( std :: string { message . data ( ) , message . length ( ) } ) ; wasHeartbeatAcked = false ; onHeartbeat ( ) ; } void resetHeartbeatValues ( ) ; inline std :: string getToken ( ) { return * token . get ( ) ; } inline void setToken ( const std :: string & value ) { token = std :: unique_ptr < std :: string > ( new std :: string ( value ) ) ; } void start ( const std :: string _token , const char maxNumOfThreads = DEFAULT_THREADS , int _shardID = 0 , int _shardCount = 0 ) ; inline void connect ( ) { postTask ( [ this ] ( ) { getTheGateway ( ) ; connect ( theGateway , this , connection ) ; } ) ; } virtual bool connect ( const std :: string & , GenericMessageReceiver * , WebsocketConnection & ) { return false ; } void handleFailToConnect ( ) override { reconnect ( ) ; } virtual void send ( std :: string , WebsocketConnection & ) { } virtual void disconnect ( unsigned int , const std :: string , WebsocketConnection & ) { } void reconnect ( const unsigned int status = 4900 ) ; virtual void stopClient ( ) { } inline void initialize ( GenericMessageReceiver * & messageProcessor ) const { messageProcessor -> initialize ( ) ; } inline void processMessage ( GenericMessageReceiver * & messageProcessor , const std :: string & message ) const { messageProcessor -> processMessage ( message ) ; } inline void processCloseCode ( GenericMessageReceiver * & messageProcessor , const int16_t & code ) const { messageProcessor -> processCloseCode ( code ) ; } virtual void runAsync ( ) ; virtual const time_t getEpochTimeMillisecond ( ) ; private : using GenericMessageReceiver :: initialize ; int heartbeatInterval = 0 ; int64_t lastHeartbeat = 0 ; int lastSReceived = 0 ; bool wasHeartbeatAcked = true ; std :: unique_ptr < GenericScheduleHandler > scheduleHandler = nullptr ; Timer heart ; enum OPCode { DISPATCH = 0 , HEARTHBEAT = 1 , IDENTIFY = 2 , STATUS_UPDATE = 3 , VOICE_STATE_UPDATE = 4 , VOICE_SERVER_PING = 5 , RESUME = 6 , RECONNECT = 7 , REQUEST_GUILD_MEMBERS = 8 , INVALID_SESSION = 9 , HELLO = 10 , HEARTBEAT_ACK = 11 , } ; std :: unique_ptr < std :: string > token ; std :: string sessionID ; int shardID = 0 ; int shardCount = 0 ; Intent intents ; bool intentsIsSet = false ; Snowflake < User > userID ; void getTheGateway ( ) ; std :: string theGateway ; bool ready = false ; bool quiting = false ; bool bot = true ; void sendIdentity ( ) ; void sendResume ( ) ; void quit ( bool isRestarting , bool isDisconnected = false ) ; void restart ( ) ; void disconnectWebsocket ( unsigned int code , const std :: string reason = "" ) ; bool sendL ( std :: string message ) ; void handleDispatchEvent ( const json :: Value & t , json :: Value & d ) ; int64_t nextHalfMin = 0 ; std :: mutex connectionMutex ; bool isCurrentlyWaitingToReconnect = false ; void stopReconnecting ( ) ; std :: shared_ptr < ServerCache > serverCache ; int8_t messagesRemaining = 0 ; RateLimiter < BaseDiscordClient > rateLimiter ; void setError ( int errorCode ) ; const std :: string getEditPositionString ( const std :: vector < std :: pair < std :: string , uint64_t >> & positions ) ; std :: forward_list < VoiceConnection > voiceConnections ; std :: forward_list < VoiceContext > voiceContexts ; std :: forward_list < VoiceContext * > waitingVoiceContexts ; # ifdef SLEEPY_VOICE_ENABLED void connectToVoiceIfReady ( VoiceContext & context ) ; void removeVoiceConnectionAndContext ( VoiceConnection & connection ) ; # endif std :: unique_ptr < GenericCompression > compressionHandler ; int8_t useTrasportConnection = static_cast < int8_t > ( - 1 ) ; template < class Options , class Allocator > typename std :: enable_if < std :: is_same < std :: nullptr_t , std :: remove_cv_t < Options >> :: value , void > :: type createOptionsValue ( rapidjson :: Document & doc , Allocator & allocator , Options & options ) { return ; } template < class Options , class Allocator > typename std :: enable_if < ! std :: is_pointer < Options > :: value && ! std :: is_same < const Options , const SleepyDiscord :: AppCommand :: EmptyOptions > :: value , void > :: type createOptionsValue ( rapidjson :: Document & doc , Allocator & allocator , Options & options ) { if ( ! options . empty ( ) ) { rapidjson :: Value arr { rapidjson :: Type :: kArrayType } ; for ( auto & option : options ) { arr . PushBack ( json :: toJSON ( option , allocator ) , allocator ) ; } doc . AddMember ( "options" , arr , allocator ) ; } } template < class Options > std :: string createApplicationCommandBody ( std :: string name , std :: string description , Options & options , const bool defaultPermission , AppCommand :: Type type , const bool allOptional = false ) { rapidjson :: Document doc ; doc . SetObject ( ) ; auto & allocator = doc . GetAllocator ( ) ; if ( ! allOptional || ! name . empty ( ) ) doc . AddMember ( "name" , rapidjson :: Value :: StringRefType { name . c_str ( ) , name . length ( ) } , allocator ) ; if ( ! allOptional || ! description . empty ( ) ) doc . AddMember ( "description" , rapidjson :: Value :: StringRefType { description . c_str ( ) , description . length ( ) } , allocator ) ; if ( ! allOptional || defaultPermission != true ) doc . AddMember ( "default_permission" , defaultPermission , allocator ) ; if ( type != AppCommand :: Type :: NONE ) doc . AddMember ( "type" , static_cast < GetEnumBaseType < AppCommand :: Type > :: Value > ( type ) , allocator ) ; createOptionsValue < Options > ( doc , allocator , options ) ; return json :: stringify ( doc ) ; } template < class Callback > void findServerInCache ( Snowflake < Server > & serverID , Callback onSuccessCallback ) { if ( serverCache ) { ServerCache :: iterator server = serverCache -> findServer ( serverID ) ; if ( server != static_cast < const ServerCache :: iterator > ( serverCache -> end ( ) ) ) { onSuccessCallback ( server ) ; } } } template < class Callback > void accessServerFromCache ( Snowflake < Server > & serverID , Callback callback ) { findServerInCache ( serverID , [ callback ] ( ServerCache :: iterator & found ) { callback ( * found ) ; } ) ; } template < class Container , class Callback > void accessContainerFromCache ( Snowflake < Server > & serverID , Container Server :: * container , Callback callback ) { accessServerFromCache ( serverID , [ callback , container ] ( Server & server ) { callback ( server , server . * ( container ) ) ; } ) ; } template < class Container > void appendObjectToCache ( Snowflake < Server > & serverID , Container Server :: * container , typename Container :: value_type & object ) { accessContainerFromCache ( serverID , container , [ object ] ( Server & , Container & found ) { found . push_front ( object ) ; } ) ; } template < class Type , class Container , class Callback > void accessIteratorFromCache ( Snowflake < Server > & serverID , Container Server :: * container , Type ID , Callback callback ) { accessContainerFromCache ( serverID , container , [ callback , ID ] ( Server & server , Container & foundContainter ) { auto found = ID . findObject ( foundContainter ) ; if ( found != foundContainter . end ( ) ) { callback ( server , found ) ; } } ) ; } template < class Type , class Container , class Callback > void accessObjectFromCache ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , Container Server :: * container , Type ID , Callback callback ) { accessIteratorFromCache ( serverID , container , ID , [ callback ] ( Server & server , typename Container :: iterator & iterator ) { callback ( server , * iterator ) ; } ) ; } template < class Type , class Container > void eraseObjectFromCache ( Snowflake < Server > serverID , Container Server :: * container , Type ID ) { accessIteratorFromCache ( serverID , container , ID , [ container ] ( Server & server , typename Container :: iterator & found ) { ( server . * ( container ) ) . erase ( found ) ; } ) ; } using DBuffer = std :: array < char , 10 > ; using HeartbeatBuffer = std :: array < char , 18 + std :: tuple_size < DBuffer > :: value > ; struct Heartbeat { HeartbeatBuffer buffer ; std :: size_t length ; } ; # ifdef __cpp_lib_array_constexpr constexpr # endif Heartbeat generateHeatbeat ( const unsigned int lastSReceived ) { DBuffer dBuffer { } ; auto reverseNext = dBuffer . end ( ) ; auto trunc = lastSReceived ; do { reverseNext -= 1 ; * reverseNext = '0' + ( trunc % 10 ) ; trunc /= 10 ; } while ( trunc != 0 ) ; const nonstd :: string_view d { & ( * reverseNext ) , std :: size_t ( dBuffer . end ( ) - reverseNext ) } ; # define SLEEPY_HEARTBEAT_START "{" \ "\"op\":1," \ "\"d\":" # define SLEEPY_HEARTBEAT_END "}" constexpr auto startBuffer = SLEEPY_HEARTBEAT_START ; constexpr auto endBuffer = SLEEPY_HEARTBEAT_END ; constexpr auto startLength = sizeof ( SLEEPY_HEARTBEAT_START ) - 1 ; constexpr auto endLength = sizeof ( SLEEPY_HEARTBEAT_END ) - 1 ; constexpr auto start = nonstd :: string_view { startBuffer , startLength } ; constexpr auto end = nonstd :: string_view { endBuffer , endLength } ; const std :: array < nonstd :: string_view , 3 > toConcat { { start , d , end } } ; Heartbeat heartbeat = { } ; HeartbeatBuffer & heartbeatBuffer = heartbeat . buffer ; std :: size_t & index = heartbeat . length ; for ( const auto & source : toConcat ) { auto dest = heartbeatBuffer . begin ( ) + index ; for ( std :: size_t index = 0 ; index < source . length ( ) ; index += 1 ) { dest [ index ] = source [ index ] ; } index += source . length ( ) ; } return heartbeat ; } } ; template < > struct BaseDiscordClient : : RequestModeType < Async > : BaseDiscordClient :: RawRequestModeTypeHelper < Async , void > { RequestModeRequestDefine { client . requestAsync < ParmType , Callback > ( method , path , callback , jsonParameters , multipartParameters ) ; } } ; template < > struct BaseDiscordClient : : RequestModeType < Sync > : BaseDiscordClient :: RawRequestModeTypeHelper < Sync , Request > { RequestModeRequestDefine { return client . requestSync ( method , path , callback , jsonParameters , multipartParameters ) ; } } ; } # define SLEEPY_LOCK_CLIENT_FUNCTIONS private : \ using BaseDiscordClient :: processMessage ; \ using BaseDiscordClient :: start ; \ using BaseDiscordClient :: sendHeartbeat ; \ using BaseDiscordClient :: initialize ; \ using BaseDiscordClient :: processCloseCode ; \ using BaseDiscordClient :: reconnect ; \ using BaseDiscordClient :: stopClient ; \