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Source code​

#include "client.h"

namespace SleepyDiscord {
void BaseDiscordClient::setError(int errorCode) {
ErrorCode code = static_cast<ErrorCode>(errorCode);
switch (errorCode) {
//HTTP Response/Error Codes
case OK : onError(code, "The request completed successfully" ); break;
case CREATED : onError(code, "The entity was created successfully" ); break;
case NO_CONTENT : onError(code, "The request completed successfully but returned no content" ); break;
case NOT_MODIFIED : onError(code, "The entity was not modified (no action was taken)" ); break;
case BAD_REQUEST : onError(code, "The request was improperly formatted, or the server couldn't understand it" ); break;
case UNAUTHORIZED : onError(code, "The Authorization header was missing or invalid" ); break;
case FORBIDDEN : onError(code, "The Authorization token you passed did not have permission to the resource" ); break;
case NOT_FOUND : onError(code, "The resource at the location specified doesn't exist" ); break;
case METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED : onError(code, "The HTTP method used is not valid for the location specified" ); break;
case TOO_MANY_REQUESTS : onError(code, "You've made too many requests" ); break;
case GATEWAY_UNAVAILABLE: onError(code, "There was not a gateway available to process your request. Wait a bit and retry"); break;
if (500 <= errorCode && errorCode < 600) onError(code, "The server had an error processing your request (these are rare)");
else onError(code, "Unknown " + std::to_string(errorCode));

//JSON Error Response
case 10001: onError(code, "Unknown account" ); break;
case 10002: onError(code, "Unknown application" ); break;
case 10003: onError(code, "Unknown channel" ); break;
case 10004: onError(code, "Unknown guild" ); break;
case 10005: onError(code, "Unknown integration" ); break;
case 10006: onError(code, "Unknown invite" ); break;
case 10007: onError(code, "Unknown member" ); break;
case 10008: onError(code, "Unknown message" ); break;
case 10009: onError(code, "Unknown overwrite" ); break;
case 10010: onError(code, "Unknown provider" ); break;
case 10011: onError(code, "Unknown role" ); break;
case 10012: onError(code, "Unknown token" ); break;
case 10013: onError(code, "Unknown user" ); break;
case 10014: onError(code, "Unknown Emoji" ); break;
case 20001: onError(code, "Bots cannot use this endpoint" ); break;
case 20002: onError(code, "Only bots can use this endpoint" ); break;
case 30001: onError(code, "Maximum number of guilds reached(100)" ); break;
case 30002: onError(code, "Maximum number of friends reached(1000)" ); break;
case 30003: onError(code, "Maximum number of pins reached(50)" ); break;
case 30005: onError(code, "Maximum number of guild roles reached(250)" ); break;
case 30010: onError(code, "Too many reactions" ); break;
case 40001: onError(code, "Unauthorized" ); break;
case 50001: onError(code, "Missing access" ); break;
case 50002: onError(code, "Invalid account type" ); break;
case 50003: onError(code, "Cannot execute action on a DM channel" ); break;
case 50004: onError(code, "Embed disabled" ); break;
case 50005: onError(code, "Cannot edit a message authored by another user" ); break;
case 50006: onError(code, "Cannot send an empty message" ); break;
case 50007: onError(code, "Cannot send messages to this user" ); break;
case 50008: onError(code, "Cannot send messages in a voice channel" ); break;
case 50009: onError(code, "Channel verification level is too high" ); break;
case 50010: onError(code, "OAuth2 application does not have a bot" ); break;
case 50011: onError(code, "OAuth2 application limit reached" ); break;
case 50012: onError(code, "Invalid OAuth state" ); break;
case 50013: onError(code, "Missing permissions" ); break;
case 50014: onError(code, "Invalid authentication token" ); break;
case 50015: onError(code, "Note is too long" ); break;
case 50016: onError(code, "Provided too few or too many messages to delete. Must provide at least 2 and fewer than 100 messages to delete."); break;
case 50019: onError(code, "A message can only be pinned to the channel it was sent in" ); break;
case 50034: onError(code, "A message provided was too old to bulk delete" ); break;
case 90001: onError(code, "Reaction Blocked" ); break;

case UNKNOWN_ERROR : onError(code, "unknown error - We're not sure what went wrong. Try reconnecting?" ); break;
case UNKNOWN_OPCODE : onError(code, "unknown opcode - You sent an invalid Gateway OP Code. Don't do that!" ); break;
case DECODE_ERROR : onError(code, "decode error - You sent an invalid payload to us. Don't do that!" ); break;
case NOT_AUTHENTICATED : onError(code, "not authenticated - You sent us a payload prior to identifying." ); break;
case AUTHENTICATION_FAILED : onError(code, "authentication failed - The account token sent with your identify payload is incorrect." ); break;
case ALREADY_AUTHENTICATED : onError(code, "already authenticated - You sent more than one identify payload. Don't do that!" ); break;
case SESSION_NO_LONGER_VALID: onError(code, "Your session is no longer valid." ); break;
case INVALID_SEQ : onError(code, "invalid seq - The sequence sent when resuming the session was invalid. Reconnect and start a new session." ); break;
case RATE_LIMITED : onError(code, "rate limited - Woah nelly!You're sending payloads to us too quickly. Slow it down!" ); break;
case SESSION_TIMEOUT : onError(code, "session timeout - Your session timed out.Reconnect and start a new one." ); break;
case INVALID_SHARD : onError(code, "invalid shard - You sent us an invalid shard when identifying." ); break;
case SHARDING_REQUIRED : onError(code, "sharding required - The session would have handled too many guilds - you are required to shard your connection in order to connect."); break;
case UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL : onError(code, "We didn't recognize the protocol you sent." ); break;
case INVALID_INTENTS : onError(code, "You sent an invalid intent for a Gateway Intent." ); break;
case DISALLOWED_INTENTS : onError(code, "You sent a disallowed intent for a Gateway Intent. You may have tried to specify an intent that you have not enabled for." ); break;
case VOICE_SERVER_CRASHED : onError(code, "The server crashed. Our bad! Try resuming." ); break;
case UNKNOWN_ENCRYPTION_MODE: onError(code, "We didn't recognize your encryption." ); break;

//Sleepy Errors
case RECONNECTING : onError(code, "Reconnect function used or bad connection detected" ); break;
case CONNECT_FAILED : onError(code, "Failed to connect to the Discord api after 4 trys" ); break;
case EVENT_UNKNOWN : onError(code, "Unexpected or unknown event occurred" ); break;
case GATEWAY_FAILED : onError(code, "Could not get the gateway" ); break;
case GENERAL_ERROR : onError(code, "A wild error appeared" ); break;
case LAZY_ERROR : onError(code, "The programmer was too lazy to give this error a code and message"); break;
case ERROR_NOTE : onError(code, "This is subposed to be a note" ); break;
case VOICE_NO_SODIUM: onError(code, "Failed to init libsodium. Try linking libsodium?" ); break;
case VOICE_NO_OPUS : onError(code, "Failed to init libopus. Try linking libopus?" ); break;
case CANT_SCHEDULE : onError(code, "The Discord Client's scheduleHandler is not set" ); break;

Updated on 13 April 2022 at 18:39:59 UTC