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Using only Sleepy Discord

There are at 3 things that the library needs in order to function: WebSocket Secure, HTTPS, and Async Input/Output. The library splits this up into a 2 main parts: the Websocket client and Sessions. There are also a few optional parts that allow for optional features such as voice. Currently, The only one optional part is UDP.


class MySession : public SleepyDiscord::GenericSession {
MySession() = default;

You'll need to create a class that inherits GenericSession.

This rest is mostly self-explanatory. You basicity implement functions that do what it the function name suggest.

void setUrl(const std::string& _url) override;

This is self-explanatory.

void setBody(const std::string* body) override;

body is the data that will be sent in the body of the HTTP request.

void setHeader(const std::vector<SleepyDiscord::HeaderPair>& header) override;

header is a list of header fields. SleepyDiscord::HeaderPair has two variables, name and value.

void setMultipart(const std::initializer_list<SleepyDiscord::Part>& parts) override;

Like header, parts is a list of parts. SleepyDiscord::Part has 3 variables, name, value, and isFile.

SleepyDiscord::Response Post  () override;
SleepyDiscord::Response Patch () override;
SleepyDiscord::Response Delete() override;
SleepyDiscord::Response Get () override;
SleepyDiscord::Response Put () override;

This sends the https request. The only difference between each function is that they use different HTTP methods.

//Execute this line at the start of your program
SleepyDiscord::CustomInit SleepyDiscord::Session::init =
[]()->SleepyDiscord::GenericSession* { return new MySession; };

You need to set SleepyDiscord::Session::init to a function that returns a pointer to a new Session. You can put this in the beginning of your cpp file after including the header file with your session class.


class MyWebsocketConnection : public SleepyDiscord::GenericWebsocketConnection {
MyWebsocketConnection() {}
MyWebsocketConnection(std::string token) {

MyConnectionHandle handle;

You are going to need a WebSocket Connection class that the library will pass around in a std::shared_ptr<GenericWebsocketConnection> called WebsocketConnection. GenericWebsocketConnection is an empty class so this acts like a std::shared_ptr<void>. You can put anything you want in this class, but you'll likely need to handle in there. You'll also likely want to store a reference to the GenericMessageReceiver in it, but it's optional if you don't want to. We'll talk about GenericMessageReceiver later. You'll also need to call start at some point, the constructor isn't a bad place to do this.

class MyWebsocketClient : public SleepyDiscord::BaseDiscordClient {
MyWebsocketClient() = default;

//The typedef is optional.
typedef MyWebsocketClient DiscordClient;

The WebSocket client is actually a child of The BaseDiscordClient and using a typedef is renamed to DiscordClient.

//Add these function decelerations to your WebsocketClient
//Optional: These should can be set to private
bool connect(
const std::string & uri,
GenericMessageReceiver* messageProcessor,
WebsocketConnection& connection
) override {
MyConnectionHandle handle = websocket.connect(uri); //connect and get handle from websocket library
connection = std::make_shared<MyWebsocketConnection>(messageProcessor, handle);
return false; //you don't need to return a bool, it was related to a removed feature.

void disconnect(
unsigned int code,
const std::string reason,
WebsocketConnection& connection
) override {

void send(
std::string message,
WebsocketConnection& connection
) override {

There are 3 virtual functions that you need to override: connect, disconnect, and send. In connect, set connection to a new connection object with you WebsocketConnection class. Use std::shared_ptr's get to get your WebSocketConnection.

//Add the equivalent code to your connect function
websocket.onOpen = [=]() {

websocket.onClose = [=](int16_t closeCode) {

websocket.onMessage = [=](std::string message) {

websocket.onFail = [=]() {

This is where you'll need messageProcessor, you'll need to call it's member functions in the websocket callbacks. If you can't capture messageProcessor, then you'll want to have a reference to it in your connection class.

Async I/O​

//Add these function declarations to your WebsocketClient class
void run();
Timer schedule(TimedTask code, const time_t milliseconds) override;

There's 1 function you'll need to implement, schedule. run is optional. Async I/O is done inside the WebSocketClient so place them in there.

//Add the equivalent code
Timer MyWebsocketClient::schedule(TimedTask code, const time_t milliseconds) {
Library::Timer timer = Library::createTimer(code, milliseconds);
return Timer([timer](){

Create a timer that will call code in milliseconds milliseconds. Then, return a function to stop the timer.

//Here's an example of run
void run() {